Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In Galaxy Far, Far Away ....

Since my first son was born, I have been excitedly waiting for my kids to get to the age where they could become my movie buddies. That time has finally come and it was worth the wait.

Over the holidays, my two boys, a friend of Tristan's and I went and watched The Hobbit. We ate McD's, laughed, talked and watched a movie and it was amazing. My boys and I have also watched G.I Joe and Star Wars Episode 4 over the past couple of weeks. Furthermore, we are planning on going to watch a pile of movies at the theater this summer starting with G.I Joe 2 in March.

I have learned that most parents struggle through the teenage years but this is what I am truly look forward to because even though I am looking forward to the movies themselves, it is the time together and conversation that makes these trips truly magical. Leading and guiding my boys through the path of life and all of its landmines. Having the opportunity to answer the hard questions away from the ladies. This is the work that I enjoy.

Thank God for movies and roadtrips :)

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