Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The quest for the family Tradition ...

Ever since my wife and I got married, we have tried to reconcile our different upbringings and Christmas traditions into one for our newly formed family going forward. This became even more important once we started to see little ones join the family. Needless to say, we have had many failures along the way. But finally after more than a decade of trying, we have hit gold.

It started a few years ago, when Marie and I started to give the kids PJ'S and a book for Christmas eve. But something was always just off therefore I began to believe that this was another failed attempt. There was no joy or magic to the tradition  It was simply go to Christmas eve service then come home and let the kids open a gift then have them put on new gift and go read new gift and wait until morning. Ugggh!!!

This year, however, the missing ingredients were added to the soup. The first ingredient was buying a likewise gift to the kids' for both parents (which Marie did not know about). Before leaving home, the second ingredient was added, which was a game of Ticket to ride after church, before opening any presents, accompanied by hot cocoa and coffee. Then off to the Christmas eve candlelight service we went. As we were driving home, the third ingredient was added in the form of a challenge. The winner of a game of Ticket to Ride would get first crack at gift opening. Needless to say, this idea was not completely formed yet but like all ideas you have to ride it out and see what happens. The game was fun and created a spirit of joy and closeness in the family. Once final placements were set with yours truly on top and my lovely wife second, the fourth ingredient was added. I opened my mouth, which is not always a good thing, and decreed that each person in order would pick up the bagged and wrapped gift of the person they choose and present them with the gift accompanied by some nice words in regards to the recipients value to our family and life in general.

So off to opening presents, which was magical, fun and amazing. The kids had huge grins and us parents had ones to revival the kids, along with some tears of joy. Once we all willing piled into out PJ's, the final ingredient was added, a Christmas movie with pop and snacks. The entire evening was very stirring and intimate. What family time at Christmas should be about. I am starting believe that traditions never just start but they evolve out time into something great and cherished which ours has now become.

Merry Christmas to you all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! 'Tradition' feels kind of like baggage to me when you look at it like 'this is what we have to do because we always do it...' but when you look at it as being allowed to be something fresh and creative I think that is MAGIC!!!!!
