Thursday, December 22, 2011

Exam Writing - A short story told through Facebook posts

Post #1
‎10 days until Christmas but before I can party, I must do battle against 3 nasty exams that stand before me. They stand tall and imposing with stank and humid breath as they look to pummel me to the ground. But I do not relent. I lift my mighty pencil high and at the top of my lungs, I give a warrior's cry to my deity hoping for a response. Shall I survive or shall I perish? Shall the numbers crunch or will I instead be crunched? We will see ...

Post #2
With my pencil held high, and my voice gone coerce from yelling I charge at the first fell beast. and his name is Cost and managerial Accounting II. I shall remain pure of conviction and hold true to my mission. This exam will not best be in combat.

Post #3
The battle was fierce and I leave the exam's lair knowing that it was a close one. The beast almost did me in as we exchanged wounds back and forth but with a perfect parry followed by a thrust of my pencil, I slayed the beast by burying my pencil deep instead the exams beating papers. Now I must move forward, toward the lair of the second exam beast. This one sounds louder and harder than the last but I must push onward.

Post #4
I traverse the dang hallway known as the weekend and I see the exam beast towering before me. I do not feel prepared to challenge this 3 hour behemoth promises but I know I must find the courage and the wits to do battle. I take one last memorizing glance at my notes and then throw them to the side knowing they can do me no further good. I lift my pencil high and cover behind my calculator and charge forward. The time for battle is now and I will fight and conquer and hear the lamentation of the teachers ...

Post #5
After much hard work, I enter the final room. The final exam beast towers over me and I can feel the hate roll off of it in waves. Behind him I spy a door with sunshine trickling through the cracks. I slay this beast and I will earn my freedom. I do not feel prepared. My mind is soft, my body weak and my pencil is losing its edge. I must press on despite the obstacles. I do not did to slay the beast but simply wound it enough to get through the door. The time is now and I make my move...

Post #6
The battle is done, the beast still lives as do I. The battle was fierce, my body is tired and I took several deep wounds but I believe that I shall be declared victorious in the end. Now I shall sit at a corner table in some dimly lit tavern and enjoy some cool beverages while I await the results from my battles with the 3 exam beasts. And then I will sleep ... The End?

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